A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

Built as part of LoJam 2020 (London Ontario's Official Game Jam!)

You are a creature moving in a 2D world but living in a 3D universe.

Gamepad recommended / Keyboard Mouse supported

Gamepad Controls

Left Analog / D Pad to move 

Right Analog to pan 3D View

South Button  / Space bar to Jump

Right Bumper / E key to change perspective

We hope you enjoy our game as much as we enjoyed making it


Update - March 16 2020

Hi Everyone.

Thank you for the amazing feedback!
Based on the success of this concept build we will likely be turning this game into a full featured release. If you would like to find out more visit our discord server



2020-03-08 14-26-47.mp4 107 MB
Uhtceare_WINDOWS.zip 107 MB
Uhtceare.app.zip 107 MB


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Hi Everyone.

Thank you for the amazing feedback!
Based on the success of this concept build we will likely be turning this game into a full featured release. If you would like to find out more visit our discord server
